
Search Inside Yourself – How Googlers Avoid Burnout (and Secretly Boost Creativity)

Adam*, is an engineer on Google’s self-driving car project (now its own division, called Waymo). He says the daily pace of work borders on fanatical. When he’s in the lab, the outside world disappears–we know this because he tells us so, and also because our text messages and emails to him almost always go unanswered.

Adam works full tilt, wholly immersing himself in the brains and guts of a car that, if Google gets it right, will be a total game-changer. Adam, however, would never say that. He knows that he and his team must first figure out, among many other things, how to teach an inanimate object moving at 70 miles per hour to differentiate between a stray plastic bag and a stray deer. Talk about a just-manageable challenge.

Stulberg and Steve Magness

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