
Can a cleantech incubator grow in Boston?

This morning, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino is expected to announce his intention to establish a cleantech incubator in Boston’s "Innovation District," a/k/a the Seaport District. The Mayor planned to make the announcement at the Ad Club’s Edge Conference.

According to his prepared remarks, the Mayor mentioned Boston-based EnerNOC, a publicly-traded company, and his plans to build a 1.65 megawatt wind turbine on an island in Boston Harbor.

We will take the lead because we know how important these businesses are to our city’s future. With this new incubator we are saying to clean tech companies, “We want you in Boston, and we are ready to help you succeed.” Time is of the essence. I believe we really need to move quickly; to push the envelope here; to explore; to be bold. It’s not enough to be a part of the green revolution. In Boston, we must lead it. What else do we want our city’s brand to be – if not revolutionary thinking?

by Scott Kirsner

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