
2007 InformationWeek IT Salary Adviser. How do you rank?

How does your pay rate? Use our new and improved tool to compare your pay against the results of our 2007 National IT Salary Survey.

Here’s some of the data that points to a stronger IT job market. Foremost is that median pay is moving up — both base salaries and bonuses. The typical U.S. IT manager makes $105,000 in salary and cash bonuses, while the median staff compensation is $78,000. There have been several years over the past eight where median pay stagnated in our survey. Median pay has been on a compound annual growth rate of about 5% since 1999, but that’s come in painful fits and starts.

There’s plenty to worry about in the Salary Survey, just as in the larger tech market. Most troubling, median pay for those 25 and under declined from last year — just as the industry frets over how to attract the best young minds.

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What IT Pros Earn: 20 Charts From Our Salary Survey

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